7537 Hotels / Accommodation have been listed for Free

Manor Backwater Resort

Cheepunkal, Kumarakom Kottayam District Kerala, India Contact: +91 81290 02147 , +91 90031 66509 E.mail: admin@manorbackwaterresort.com Website: https://www.manorbackwaterresort.com/

Mango Kerala Homes, Kumarakom

Meenakshi River Villa Kavanattinkara, Kumarakom, Kerala 686563 Contact: +91 9447358356, +91 9497226048 E.mail: keralamangos@gmail.com Website: https://mangokeralahomes.com/


Pallichira, Kumarakom P.O, Kottayam, Kerala, S.India, Pin: 686 563 Contact: 09746528896 E.mail: booking@lakepalaceresorts.in Website: https://lakepalaceresorts.in/

Paradise Resorts – Best in Kumarakom

Near Nazreth Church, Kumarakom South P.O, Kottayam, Kerala-686563 Contact: +91 4812524983, +91 4812524721 E.mail: info@paradisein.com Website: https://www.paradisein.com/

ILLIKKALAM Lakeside Cottages & Farm

Kumarakom Village, Kottayam District, Kerala. Contact: + 91 949573 5152, 94470 24234 E.mail: klcottages@gmail.com Website: https://www.klcottages.com/

THE PGS VEDANTA – a 4 star classified luxury hotel

Lissie Junction, Kaloor Kochi, Kerala India – 682018 Contact: +91 484 2405777, +91 954 493 9990 E.mail: info@pgsvedanta.com Website: https://pgsvedanta.com/

Marineinn Hotel

Marine Drive, Ernakulam, Kerala, India – 682031 Contact: +91 7559 009 111 Landline: +91 4842 362 244 E.mail: reservations@marineinnhotel.com Website: https://marineinnhotel.com/

Hotel North Seven – The Business Hotel

Paramara Rd, Ernakulam North, Kacheripady, Kochi, Ernakulam, Kerala 682018 Contact: 0484 430 0277 / 9544 100 277 E.mail: info@northseven.in Website: https://northseven.in/

Raj Regency

M C Road, Nilamel, Kollam India 691535 Contact: 0474-2433800, +91-8943333831 E.mail: hotelrajregency2014@gmail.com Website: https://hotelrajregency.com/

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