7539 Hotels / Accommodation have been listed for Free

Hotel Bliss

J.B Road, Near Raja Maidan Jorhat – 785001 Assam, India Contact: +916001847145 /+913767962494 E.mail: hotelblissjht@gmail.com Website: https://hotelblissjorhat.com/

Hotel Royal Heritage – a 3 star hotel

Betkuchi, Lokhra, N.H.- 37, Opp Balaji Temple, Guwahati- 781034, Assam Contact: +91 70860 18001 | 70860 18002 E.mail: royalheritage.ghy@gmail.com Website: https://www.hotelroyalheritage.org/

Hotel Awesome Palace – A Luxury Business Inn

Honuram Boro Path, Kachari Basti,opp. Passport Sewa Kendra, Walfort, Guwahati 781005 Contact: 0361-2344333, 9854080037 E.mail: awesomepalaceghy@gmail.com Website: https://awesomepalace.in/


G.S.Road. Cristian Basti. Guwahati-781005 (Assam), India Contact: +91 361 352 0000, MOBILE: +91 967804100 2 E.mail: info@gatewaygrandeur.com Website: http://www.gatewaygrandeur.com/

Hotel SJ International

Solapara road, Paltan bazar, Guwahati – 781008, Assam.India. Contact: +91 361 2633355, +91 7086024180 E.mail: hotelsjinternational@gmail.com Website: https://www.hotelsjinternational.com/

The Upper Homes – A perfect homestay in the mist of Guwahati city

Geetanagar, Mother Teresa Road, Auditek bylane, Plot no. 2, Guwahati, Assam, India Contact: +91 9707515500 Website: https://www.theupperhomes.com/

The Ornate

Dr B Borooah Rd, Opp. Nehru Stadium, Paltan Bazaar, Guwahati, Assam 781007 Contact: 090855 66666 E.mail: reservationstheornatehotel@gmail.com Website: http://www.hoteltheornate.com/

Hotel Star

College Road, Opp. Rabindranath Tagore University, Hojai Town, Assam – 782435 Contact: +91-6026532500, +91-8486881500 E.mail: hotelstarcare@gmail.com Website: https://hotelstarhojai.in/

Hotel Dream Star – A premium budget hotel

Ramananda Tower 5th Floor G.S. Road Near Network Counter Paltan Bazar Guwahati-781008 Assam India Contact: +91-9101881500, +91-8099617466 E.mail: dreamlodge2021@gmail.com Website: https://www.hoteldreamstar.com/

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