7537 Hotels / Accommodation have been listed for Free

Whispering Pines – Homestays in Bhimtal

Near Paragliding Spot, Bhimtal, Uttarakhand-263136 Contact: 1800 120 0090 E.mail: Office@bindalhomestays.com Website: https://www.bindalhomestays.com/

Pumpkin Hotels – a luxury resort located in the midst of Jim Corbett National Park

Teda Village, Jim Corbett National Park, Ramnagar, Uttarakhand, 244715 Contact: 9667224555, 9711000515 E.mail: hotelspumpkin@gmail.com Website: https://www.pumpkinhotels.com/

Hotel Woodland – Affordable Hotel in Nainital

Mallital, Nainital, Uttarakhand 263001 Contact: +91 7452822887 E.mail: Hotelwoodlandnainital@Gmail.Com Website: https://hotelwoodlandnainital.com/

Bhavesh Home Stay – one of the best accommodations

Village Dhela, Ramnagar, Uttarakhand 244715 Contact: +919837416592, +916395117403 Website: https://bhaveshhomestay.com/

Pawan Home Stay – a family-owned

Near banto corbett woods resort Village Dhela, Ramnagar, Uttarakhand 244715 Contact: +919870684350 Website: https://pawanhomestay.com/

Hriday Bhoomi – Luxury Cottages & Villa in Jim Corbett National Park

Village Dhela (Near Dhela and Jhirna safari zones) Jim Corbett National Park, Ramnagar, Distt. Nainital Uttarakhand – 244715 Contact: +91 98104 00959 E.mail: reservations@hridaybhoomi.in Website: https://hridaybhoomi.in/

Sunbird Retreat – a luxury resort

Bagar Malla, Pangoot, Nainital Contact: +91 7440266030 E.mail: parth.mishra06@gmail.com Website: https://www.sunbirdretreat.com/

Tatsaaraa Kavan – Colonial Style Bungalow

Tatsaara Kavan Talla Ram, Near Sun Rise Home Stay, Ramgarh, Nainital, Uttarakhand 244921 Contact: +91-99909-65484 E.mail: info@tatsaaraakavan.com Website: https://tatsaaraakavan.com/

Veselka Homestay – Stay with Nature

Satkhol, P.o- Peora, Mukeshwar, Distt.-Nainital, Uttarakhand (India) Contact: +91 9536405678, +91 8859018018 E.mail: veselka.resort@gmail.com Website: https://veselka.in/

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