7534 Hotels / Accommodation have been listed for Free

Hotel Sanjoy Regency

24/A/C/9 KALIKAPUR ROAD, SHILPO TALUK, BERHAMPORE, MURSHIDABAD PIN – 742 101 Contact: 9800114487, 8945527783 Website: http://www.hotelsanjoyregency.com/

HOTEL NANDINI – luxurious hotel at Berhampur

Berhampore, Murshidabad, W.B., India Contact: (+91) 7477799394 E.mail: hotelnandinibhb@gmail.com Website: https://www.hotelnandinibhb.com/

The Fame Hotel

24/A/7 Kalikapur Road, Shilpo Taluk, (beside Berhampore Railway Stn. and Meen Bhawan) Berhampore, Murshidabad, West Bengal Contact: 8348709997(Whatsapp), 9564484166(Whatsapp) E.mail: hotelthefame@gmail.com Website: https://www.thefamehotel.com/

Golden Retreat – a premium hotel in Berhampore

Plot No. B-3 TO B-8, Berhampore Industrial Estate, 24/A Kalikapur Road, Berhampore, W.B. 742101 Contact: 0348 2299 931 / 0348 2299 932 E.mail: reservation@goldenretreats.in Website: https://www.goldenretreats.in/

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